Take the adventure! Visit Tamarindo!

Get Schooled Away with us…

  • Explore

    With its lush rainforests, stunning beaches, and rich biodiversity, Costa Rica offers a myriad of experiences that cater to all ages. Families can embark on thrilling activities such as zip-lining through the canopy, hiking to cascading waterfalls, and encountering exotic wildlife like sloths, howler monkeys and colorful birds. Coming to Costa Rica with Schooled Away also provides the perfect opportunity for your kids to learn firsthand about conservation efforts and sustainable living, deepening their understanding of environmental stewardship and fostering world citizenship.

  • Experience

    Tamarindo has a worldwide reputation as the best beach in the world to learn to surf. Whether you’re looking for a brief exposure to one of the most addictive sports on the planet or are looking to foster a young pro, this is the beach for you. Beyond the physical benefits, surfing also instills important life skills such as patience, perseverance, and respect for nature, fostering confidence and resilience in young learners as they conquer the waves. Of course, there’s more to Tamarindo than surfing, but we happen to think this is a pretty cool place to start.

  • Engage

    There really is nothing quite like exploring new places together. In a world that can get so busy sometimes, being able to escape with your family to a place like Costa Rica where life moves much slower can be an adventure that lasts a lifetime. The memories you’ll make, experiences you’ll share and ways of life you’ll expose your kids to are invaluable, and we want to help. Our offerings don’t stop at schooling. We can assist with finding places to stay, activities to do and everything in between. This will be a trip you and your kids will hang onto forever. Warning, you may never leave… we didn’t.